美牧生- 服务经验
来源: | 作者:吉施德 Stephan Gibson, 王雯 Wang Wen | 发布时间: 741天前 | 580 次浏览 | 分享到:


US Clients



-- Kyle ZwiegZwieg's Maple Acres公司)

“Good Pasture's strengths include attention to detail, mindfulness of the customer and their goals, willingness to learn, and an obvious desire to help and care for animals.” 
-- Kyle Zwieg (Zwieg's Maple Acres)


-- (Emma Mueller (洛米拉慕勒农场)

"Dr. Stephan is easy to work with.  He knows how to explain things so that I can understand what he's saying.  He's smart, kind, and data savvy." 
-- Emma Mueller (Mueller Farms of Lomira)


Chinese Clients


Transition Cows


Farm 1


Close-up cow urine pH: On client farm 1, we discovered that the close-up cow urine pH was too variable, and recommended changes for improvement, resulting in a decrease of milk fevers and retained placentas.  After one month, we suggested changing anion salt products, and saw another reduction in milk fevers and retained placenta.



Farm 2

围产牛尿液PH:在牧场二,十二月中旬改变了阴离子盐,随后分析数据看到过渡期奶牛疾病减少,一月份产后 瘫痪 从8.8%下降到五月份 3.6%。

Close-up cow urine pH: On farm 2, after making changes to the anionic salts (middle of February), we saw a decrease in milk fever from 8.8% in January down to 3.5% in May.


Fresh cow DMI: On client farm 2, the rumination rates in the fresh cow pen were too low and variable.  We suggested changes to the fresh cow diet and increased the rumination rates.


Farm 3


Milk fever problems: In early March, we analyzed the high rate of milk fever on client farm 3 and suggested dietary changes to the nutritionist, resulting in a dramatic decrease in milk fever.


Transition cow stress: In late March, we analyzed the fresh cow management procedures and suggested several changes to the management to decrease stress.  These included re-designing the maternity pen head catch, moving the fresh cows to the fresh cow pen right away after calving, and providing clean feed and water.


However, because of other factors, they only implemented some of the management changes for 2 weeks, then went back to their old methods, resulting in an increase of milk fever again.  This shows that the improvements they saw must have been related to our recommendations.

Technical Training


DA surgery: We provided training for the farm veterinarians on how to do DA surgeries (both laparotomy and roll-and-toggle), and improved the success rate.


      Treatment and diagnosis protocols: Farm 2 started having more mid-lactation cows go down and die.  Through observations in the pens, cow symptoms, and necropsy, we diagnosed the problem as hemorrhagic bowel syndrome, and suggested some methods for prevention as well as a treatment protocol.  Exact numbers aren't available because of inexact records, but the survival rate increased from about 30% to 60%.


  Off-feed sick cow treatment: We recommended that client farm 3 add yeast to their sick cow drench, and shortened the recovery period from 7 days to 4 days.


We have a lot more experience not listed ……


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